Teas 4 Tots
• Brand Identity
Teas4Tots' brand identity introduces an adorable mushroom house logo, capturing the essence of childhood wonder. Radiating with lively colours and a friendly vibe, it mirrors the cheerful atmosphere of their childminding ethos. The logo embodies a joyful spirit, inviting children to explore, learn, and grow in a nurturing environment while reassuring families with a sense of comfort and belonging. It's more than just a logo; it's a beacon of warmth and happiness for little ones and their caregivers alike.

"We are thrilled with the exceptional brand identity crafted by Berlew. Their approach in designing our logo, featuring a charming mushroom house, perfectly reflects the nurturing environment we provide. It's a symbol of happiness and security for both children and their families. I have no hesitation recommending Berlew for your design needs. Lewis was a pleasure to work with, prompt, professional and courteous."
Teas 4 Tots Childminding